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The ACP Range of Energy Efficient Hybrid Air Handling units and packaged High Efficiency Heat Pumps have been used in a variety of Healthcare ventilation applications,

If you need to see some more about our specific custom healthcare units you can request a PDF of the hundreds of sites that we have designed and supplied

The Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs) gives comprehensive advice and guidance on the design, installation and operation of specialised building and engineering technology used in the delivery of healthcare.


The focus of Health Technical Memoranda guidance remains on healthcare-specific elements of standards, policies and up-to date established best practice. They are applicable to new and existing sites and are for use at various stages during the whole building lifecycle.


Damvent Hybrid AHUs are fully compliant with the latest iteration of HTM 03-01 published in 2021, including all the newest recommendations and technologies.  ACP can offer full compliance and develop the design further.

The correct pre-design is very important, to establish the best solution for the location and areas that air is being provided for, Typical areas within healthcare premises where ventilation systems are considered critical within the HTM design and specification process, either from a single room or throughout a mixture of rooms include operating suites, critical care areas, airborne isolation facilities, invasive treatment rooms, containment level 3 laboratories, pharmacy, sterile services and operative imaging units.

Air handling unit design and its component plant items have their own individual guidelines and reasons for their application.

The ACP Range of custom and Hybrid Air Handling units can be customised to suit each areas needs.

Please do get in contact if you require a competitive quote


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