Solar Powered Heat Pumps and Hot Water Systems
Solar Powered Heat Pumps - A unique complementary product providing low cost heating solutions . Designed to help businesses reduce Energy Consumption.
"As buildings need to decarbonise, Solar Heating and Hot Water systems play a significant role in the energy reduction of a building.
We have partnered with Naked Energy who have developed a hybrid solar collector that combines solar photovoltaics (PV) and solar thermal technology, to generate both electricity and heat from a single solar collector.
Unlike solar PV, which generates only electricity, the Virtu product performs at optimal efficiency by also capturing the sun’s heat energy up to 75°C.
What is a solar powered heat pump retrofit?
Conventional Commercial PV systems generate electricity, and in certain cases can be used to power an electric heat pump if they generate enough electricity, however a substantial amount of space is required and they have to be mounted on A frames.
The Virtu product is a complementary technology. it can be easily combined with heat pumps. This integration is most efficient when the special solar collectors pre-heats the system, which is then topped-up and maintained by the backup heat source. It contributes to the decarbonisation of heat and utilises existing high-efficiency heat generation assets.
Virtu enables the energy transition to low-carbon heat through distributed, renewable, zero-carbon energy generation.
Virtu can lower your cost of heat and carbon emissions when integrated with:
✓ Air Source and ground-source heat pumps
✓ Gas heating
✓ Electric heating
✓ LPG and other fuels
✓ Biofuels
✓ Hydrogen
Benefits of an integrated approach:
✓ Reduced operational cost of heat pump through offsetting energy demand
✓ Self-sufficient, secure, free, zero-carbon energy
✓ Reduced reliance on the electricity grid
Click on the image above to learn more about the Naked energy Pvt product.
A well-engineered hybrid solar solution can save energy and can pay for itself in just a few years.
Virtu products are easy to install and fully modular, mounted on frames in sets of five evacuated tubes. Reflectors are positioned between tubes to maximise energy capture. We use the highest energy density solar collectors available globally, designed to optimise outputs and deliver maximum energy with limited installation space.
✓ 100% zero carbon energy
✓ up to 4x carbon savings compared to solar PV
✓ Strong brand value and enhanced ESG performance
✓ Improved building ratings
✓ Increased financial returns
✓ Energy independence from volatile fossil fuel prices
✓ Reduced development and project costs
Zero carbon heat and power, zero risk and zero upfront cost.
Solar-as-a-Service enables customers to access zero-carbon energy without upfront capital. It’s our answer to a Power Purchase Agreement for solar thermal solutions. Solar-as-a-Service provides customers with solar thermal heat at a fixed cost per kWh.
How it works
In a Solar-as-a-Service arrangement, Naked Energy secures finance on behalf of a customer and completes the design and installation.
Naked Energy operates and maintains the system whilst managing billing and reporting.
The customer purchases solar thermal heat at a fixed cost and is protected from volatile energy prices. The customer retains the equipment and at the end of the term enjoys free, clean energy for an expected lifetime of 10 years.
Long-term energy security
Our Solar-as-a-Service package gives customers long-term energy price forecasts and stability over a 10-year term.